Begging God to Prove Me Wrong

From my teens until I got sober at 45, no mantra defined my life more than “Nothing is too intense for me.” Ironically, it still does, though the meaning under it has changed quite a bit in 30 years, thank goodness.

Back then it was a boast, an immature attempt to manage tremendous pain.  What I didn’t know was that it was the pain of ignoring the call of my heart to love myself.  Enduring was all I knew.

Evidence would suggest that the mantra was also a subconscious call for help, begging God to prove me wrong.  Which of course God was delighted to do.

Lunacy up to my elbows, I started to noticed that, everywhere I turned, in the wreckage that characterized every corner of my life, there was this sign blinking: “Change or die, silly boy!”  It just wouldn’t stop.

Today, funny enough, that old mantra represents something beautiful.

If nothing is too intense for me, surely that must mean whatever it takes for me to follow my heart, to become ever more awake.  To include every person, every situation, within the circle of the sacred.  Nobody and nothing gets excluded for any reason.  The thought of too intense is simply an invitation to love bigger.

That God!  Playful.  Loving.  Deep.

Sharing my discoveries and welcoming yours is the purpose of this little playground.  I hope you’ll add your voice when it feels right.

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